Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Winter Blah's: I Want to be a Bear

The dark grey clouds billowing overhead finally begin to break, and this summer day's first true rays of light finally begin to dry, and warm the earth. The beach is endless in both directions, red sand climbing into red and muddy cliffs which are generously speckled with tufts of wild and shockingly dark green grass. I am alone on this private shoreline, digging my toes into the rich wet sand, relishing the warmth of the sun after a day of such dreary proportions. The sun is setting; a pink glow sinking into the ocean, rays of light beaming from the rippling waves which are both the only movement and sound on this beach. They gently and rhythmically tumble and crash toward my feet, swirling around them, covering them with water warmed from the days rain.

I am desperately trying to transport myself anywhere but Here. Here is a place where outside, the wind is blowing desperately, trying to cause a ruckus and rile up the earths atmosphere. If I were to step outside right now, I would be digging my boots into a large white snowbank, shivering profusely as my body sank deeper and deeper into said snowbank. While doing so, I could take down my hood and let the frigid gusts of wind rush through my hair and down the back of my neck, causing the shivering to intensify. I would have a beautiful view of the plow down the street, pushing back the snowbanks to make room for more snow, their orange lights flashing gently and rhythmically in tune with the high-pitched beeping sound vehicles of this nature often emit.

The cold freezes time along with everything else. I need to feel the sun on my skin and the earth under my feet in order to understand that everything is right with the world and that I still exist. I save up a reserve of happy 'sunshine lollipops and rainbows' feelings which usually lasts me two months into the winter. That means I'm running out, and my brain is shutting down. I'd rather be on that beach, and so I think that is where I will be spending most of my time from now on. Call me when the grass starts to grow.

Winter is a cruel and unfeeling season and tends to affect my state of mind intensely. The bears got it right; Hibernation is the key to surviving the winter!